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Jones, Holland help Vikings blank Rebels

AID — You didn’t see them at WrestleMania a few days ago, but Will Jones and Gradee Holland proved to be quite a tag team.

Jones and Holland teamed up to throw a no-hitter as the Symmes Valley Vikings blanked the South Gallia Rebels 14-0 in a 5-inning run rule win in a Southern Ohio Conference game on Monday.

Jones went the first 3.1 innings and struck out 4 while walking 5. Holland finished and struck out 3 with just one walk.

Jones also had a solid game at the plate as he went 2-3 with 3 RBI. Aydan Taylor and Andy Strow both went 2-3 with 2 RBI. Tanner Corn was 1-2 with 2 RBI and Mason Stevenson 1-3 with an RBI for the Vikings (3-1, 1-0).

The game was scoreless until the third inning when the Vikings scored all their runs. Stevenson led off with a hit, Holland walked and Luke Niece was hit by a pitch to load the bases.

Jones singled for 2 runs, Corn singled in a pair and Taylor and Strow got RBI hits. Tanner Thompson was hit by a pitch, Zander Hurn and Holland walked, Niece was hit by a pitch for the second straight at-bat, and then Jones, Corn, Taylor and Strow all singled.

South Gallia 000 00 = 0 0 1

Sym. Valley 00(14) 0x = 14 8 1

Gibson, Stanley (3), Kemp (3) and Conwell. Will Jones, Gradee Holland (4) and Andy Strow. W-Jones (IP-3.1, H-0, R-0, K-4, BB-5). Holland (IP-1.2, H-0, R-0, K-3, BB-1). L-Gibson (IP-2.0, H-4, R-7, ER-7, K-0, BB-4, HBP-1). Stanley (IP-0.1, H-3, R-7, ER-6, K-0, BB-2, HBP-2). Kemp (IP-1.2, H-1, R-0, K-1, BB-1, HBP-1). Hitting-Symmes Valley: Luke Niece RBI, Will Jones 2-3 3-RBI, Tanner Corn 1-2 2-RBI, Aydan Taylor 2-3 2-RBI, Andy Strow 2-3 2-RBI, Mason Stevenson 1-3 RBI.

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