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Lady Tigers beat Northwest, head to district finals

CHILLICOTHE — It was the Beach Boys who sang “Good Vibrations,” and it was the Ironton Lady Fighting Tigers who were feeling them.

The Lady Tigers “felt the vibes” as they beat the Northwest Lady Mohawks 8-5 in the Division 3 district semifinals on Thursday.

“There were just good vibes going into the game. We just knew it was going to be a good game. This was one of our best games ever,” said Ironton first baseman and pitcher Bella Sorbilli who came on in relief to get the win.

“The last time we played them it was the same thing. Everything just played out right. Braylin (Wallace) did a heck of a job starting out. I came in and our defense was on fire so I knew whatever I threw I could trust them. We had diving plays. It was just amazing.” Ironton (16-7) edged Northwest 7-6 on April 25.

The Lady Tigers will now face Portsmouth West at 2 p.m. on Saturday in the district finals.

“We all battled. Every single nine of us, everyone in the dugout. We all put our heart and soul into this game. I’m just really proud of my team and how we fought together,” said catcher Graycie Brammer.

“We knew it was going to be a heck of a game. They’re a heck of a team. We’re the Ironton Fighting Tigers. That’s what we do. We fight. We just have to transfer what we did tonight to Saturday and just bump it up.”

Ironton got a run in the first when Khamil Martin walked and Emily Weber doubled.

Northwest tied the game in the second when Mollyann Runyon hit a pop fly double and scored on a 2-out single by Alyssa Ferguson.

The Lady Tigers answered by taking a 3-1 lead in the third when Brammer and Weber walked and Aubrey Ferguson tripled.

The Lady Mohawks scored 4 times in the fourth to take a 5-3 lead.

Madison Puckett and Alyssa Ferguson singled, Jeannette Mustain reached on an error to load the bases, Kallie Childers walked to force home a run, Ferguson scored on a passed ball and Mustain and Childers both stole home.

But Ironton came back with 3 runs in the sixth to take the lead for good.

Kagelyn Moore and Kenley Neal began the winning with base hits and Katelyn Williams singled in a run. Brammer followed with a 2-run single.

The Lady Tigers added a pair of insurance runs in the seventh.

Aubrey Ferguson was safe on an error and Sorbilli doubled to put runners in scoring position. Ferguson stole on a double steal play with Sorbilli going to third. Sorbilli then stole home and Ironton lead 8-5.

Sorbilli worked the final 3.1 innings for the win. She did not give up a hit or a run while striking out four and walking 2.

Brammer was 1-3 with 2 RBI, Weber 1-3 with a double and RBI, Neal was 2-4, Ferguson 1-4 with a triple and 2 RBI, Sorbilli 1-4 with a double, Wallace 1-3, Moore were 1-4 with Williams 1-4 and an RBI.

Alyssa Ferguson was 2-4 with an RBI for Northwest.

Ironton     102 003 2 = 8 9 4

Northwest 010 400 0 = 5 6 3

Braylin Wallace, Bella Sorbilli (4) and Graycie Brammer. Madison Puckett, Lauren Redoutey (3) and Brooke Hawes. W-Sorbilli (IP-3.1, H-0, R-0, K-4, BB-2). Wallace (IP-3.2, H-6, R-5, ER-2, K-6,BB-3, WP-2). L-Redoutey (IP-4.2, H-6, R-5, ER-3, K-3, BB-0). Puckett (IP-2.1,H-3, R-3, ER-3, K-1, BB-3). Hitting-Ironton: Graycie Brammer 1-3 2-RBI, Emily Weber 1-3 2B RBI, Aubrey Ferguson 1-4 3B 2-RBI, Bella Sorbilli 1-4 2B, Katelyn Moore 1-4, Kenley Neal 2-4, Katelyn Williams 1-4 RBI, Braylin Wallace 1-3; Northwest: Brooke Hawes 1-3, Lauren Redoutey 1-4, Mollyann Runyon 1-1 2B, Madison Puckett 1-4, Alyssa Ferguson 2-4 RBI.

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