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Lady Vikings edge Coal Grove in marathon game

WILLOW WOOD — there was an old radio bit with Coach Art Turf who would always say, “We played a fine ballgame. They played a fine ballgame. So, what we had was a fine ballgame.”

The Symmes Valley Lady Vikings and Coal Grove Lady Hornets played a fine ballgame with the Lady Vikings getting a 7-6 win in 11 innings on Monday.

“It was a great ballgame from both sides. I don’t take anything away from Coal Grove. They have a good ball club the same as us,” said Lady Vikings’ coach Jeff “Odie” Estep.

The Lady Vikings scored the winning run without the aid of a hit in the bottom of the 11th inning.

Brenna Tibbs and Desiree Simpson walked but Tibbs was thrown out trying to score.

Marley Ferguson and Savannah Mart were both walked intentionally to load the bases and set up a force at home, but Simpson came home on a wild pitch to end the game.

Coal Grove went up 2-0 tin the first inning when Abbie Deeds had a leadoff single, moved up on a wild pitch and scored on a hit by Izzy Kitts. Rylee Black hit into a fielder’s choice, stole second and scored on a fielder’s choice.

The Lady Vikings (2-1) tied the game in the second when Mart singled and Ferguson spanked a 2-run home run.

Symmes Valley took a 3-2 lead in the third when Emma Ridenour got a one-out walk, stole second, took third on a hit by Simpson and Mart got an RBI single.

Coal Grove then regained the lead with 3 runs in third.

With 2 outs, Deeds singled, Kendall Taylor doubled and Kitts had a 2-run single. Kitts went to second on the throw home and scored on a pair of wild pitches.

Symmes Valley got 2 runs back in the bottom of the inning to tie the game at 5-all.

Ridenour walked, Mart was safe on a 2-out error, and Ferguson and Natalie Simpson got RBI singles.

The Lady Vikings went up 6-5 the sixth when Addy Hawk walked, took second on Ridenour’s sacrifice, and scored on a pair of wild pitches.

Coal Grove tied the game in the top of the seventh on a walk to Deeds, Taylor’s double and a throwing error.

Tibbs got the win with 6 innings of relief work. She struck out 9, walked 3 and allowed one run.

Ferguson was 2-4 with a 2-run homer and Mart 2-5 to lead the Lady Vikings.

Deeds was 2-3, Taylor 2-5 with 2 doubles and 2 RBI and Kitts 2-5 with an RBI to pace Coal Grove (1-2).

The Lady Vikings play Northwest on Wednesday.

Coal Grove 200 030 100 00 = 6 5 2

Sym. Valley 021 021 000 01 = 7 8 3

Abbie Deeds, Kassidy Travis (11) and Rylee Black. Savannah Mart, Brenna Tibbs (6) and Kaycee Thompson. W-Tibbs (IP-6.0, H-2, R-1, K-9, BB-3). Mart (IP-5.0, H-3, R-5 ER-5, K-5 BB-1). L-Travis (IP-0.1, H-0, R-1, ER-0, K-0, BB-2). Deeds (IP-10.0, H-7, R-7, ER-2, K-13, BB-3). Hitting-Coal Grove: Abbie Deeds 2-3, Kendall Taylor 2-5 2-2B 2-RBI, Izzy Kitts 2-5 RBI, Braelie Hitchcock 1-5; Symmes Valley: Desiree Simpson 2-5, Savannah Mart 2-5, Marlee Ferguson 2-4 HR 2-RBI, Natalie Simpson 1-3, Autumn Justice 1-5.

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