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Tibbs pitches no-hitter as Lady Vikings roll

LATHAM — Another pitcher, another no-hitter for the Symmes Valley Lady Vikings.

After a no-hitter by Brenna Tibbs on Tuesday, Jaden McComas made her varsity pitching debut and cam within one batter of a perfect game as the Lady Vikings blanked the Western Lady Indians 13-0 in a 5-inning Southern Ohio Conference game.

McComas had a perfect game with 2 outs in the fifth and 2 strikes on the batter. But a throwing error allowed the runner to reach safely.

“She throws hard and she has a wicked change-up. She threw the ball really well,” said Lady Vikings’ coach Jeff “Odie” Estep.

McComas struck out 11 as Symmes Valley improved to 5-2 and 4-1 in the SOC.

Tibbs led off the game with an inside-the-park home run. Emma Ridenour then singled, stole second, moved up on a ground out and scored on a double by Savannah Mart.

The Lady didn’t score the next 2 innings but erupted for 10 runs in the fourth.

McComas and Tibbs reached on errors and Emma Ridenour drilled a 3-run homer.

Desiree Simpson singled, stole second, Mart singled and Lindsey Freeman doubled home both runners.

Jordi Ellison singled for a run, Jocelyn Carpenter was safe on an error and stole second and McComas smacked. 2-run double.

Addie Ridenour followed with a 2-run home run to cap the rally.

The final run scored in the fifth when Simpson singled, moved up on a walk and came home when McComas hit into a fielder’s choice.

Tibbs and Emma Ridenour were 2-4 with a home run and 2 RBI and Addie Ridenour 2-3 with a home run and 2 RBI.

Mart went 2-3 with 2 doubles and 2 RBI, McComas 1-3 with a double and 2 RBI, Ellison was 1-3 and Freeman 1-3 with a double.

Symmes Valley goes to Sciotoville East on Thursday.

Sym. Valley 200 (10)1 = 13 12 1

Western   000 00 = 0 0 6

Jaden McComas and Jocelyn Carpenter. W-McComas (IP-5.0, H-0, R-0, K-11, BB-0). Hitting-SV: Brenna Tibbs 2-4 HR 2-RBI, Emma Ridenour 2-4 HR 2-RBI, Desiree Simpson 2-4, Savannah Mart 2-3 2-2B 2-RBI, Addie Ridenour 2-3 HR 2-RBI, Jaden McComas 1-3 2B 2-RBI, Jordi Ellison 1-2, Lindsey Freeman 1-3 2B; Western: None.

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